Everyone gets the jitters about their wedding day, but for introverts, the idea of having all eyes on you for the entire day can feel like something right out of a nightmare. While some of us weren’t born to be the center of attention, it doesn’t mean that you can’t still have an incredible wedding with the people you love! Today I’m sharing 5 wedding tips for introverts!

Keep it small

One of the most impactful things you can do is to keep the guest list small. Honestly, this is a good idea for a variety of reasons; it keeps the budget under control, it gives you time to actually celebrate with the people you invited and it will help you keep from feeling overwhelmed by a crowd.

In addition to keeping the guest list small, you can also reduce some added stress by limiting the number of people in your bridal party to a select few. This reduces the likelihood of bridal party drama and keeps the overall vibe more intimate throughout the day.

Do a first look

If you’ve been following my blog for any amount of time now then you are probably aware that I’m a big fan of first looks. By having a first look, you and your beloved will have a private moment together to take it all in. Don’t worry, the down-the-aisle moment is still special (sometimes even more so) but you’ll have a few minutes alone to connect before things get rolling. My couples that have done a first look usually comment on how it helped to calm their nerves as well.

A first look also gives you time to spread out the photography part of your timeline so you have less of a time crunch between the ceremony and reception. This will give you some time to breathe and have a moment to yourself in between day-of events.

Plan for some downtime on the day-of

When you’re working with your coordinator/photographer to create the day-of schedule, be sure to mention that you’d like to work in some quiet time to get a break from the crowd. I always encourage my couples to add some padding to their timelines, but having a plan in place ahead of time will ensure you don’t end up overwhelmed.

Hire a coordinator

Having a point person on the day-of will take so much pressure off of you. They can make sure that all the details of the day are executed properly as well as handle any mishaps that come along. I highly recommend a professional coordinator (this is totally different than a venue-appointed “coordinator”) who has a lot of experience with weddings. A professional coordinator will be able to take preventative measures against mishaps and know how to handle any that come up. (Need some recommendations? Send me a message, I’d be happy to share my favorites!)

Abbreviate your first dance

It might be tempting to skip the first dance altogether, but maybe your mom is pushing for you to keep this part traditional… (and I’ll admit, the first dance always makes for some really cute photos!) Five minutes on the dance floor in front of a room full of people can feel like an eternity if you’re an introvert. There’s a win-win option for this common wedding day stressor! Talk to your DJ about doing an abbreviated first dance where he fades the music out after a minute or two. You’ll get cute photos of your first dance, your mom will stop pestering you, and you’ll be off the dance floor in no time!

Are you planning on trying out any of these tips for your wedding? I’d love to hear how it goes! If you have more ideas on this topic, share your thoughts in the comments or contact me!

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